Are Dental Veneers For You

Just about everyone would love to have the perfect grin. Why would not they? Your smile is among the first things that folks notice when they see you. Sadly however , not everyone was born with the perfect smile. Here's where dental veneers come in. Dental veneers may be the answer to your problem. Dental veneers are pieces of porcelain or resin that are permanently joined to the front of the teeth to fix them. It's possible to get dental veneers placed on any tooth that needs to be fixed. Some people have dental veneers on a single tooth, a few teeth, or the entire mouth. It depends on how much work must be done.

Placing veneers isn't an easy process. More than one visit is necessary. On the first visit, the dentist will need to shave the enamel off of the existing tooth or teeth. This is done as the veneers are a half of a millimeter thick , therefore , a half a millimeter of the enamel needs to be shaved so the teeth still appear natural. This is a reasonably distressing process. Most dentists will employ a local anesthetic to relieve any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Once the enamel has been shaved, the dentist will need to take a molding of your mouth. He'll need to know the form and size to make each veneer. The making of the mould is painless. You may bite down on a cool, soft, wax-like substance. After a couple of minutes the mould will harden and it will go down to the lab.

About 2 weeks later you may return to the dentist. That is about how long it'll take the laboratory to make your veneers. The dentist will attach your dental veneers with a lightweight cement. He'll then use a light beam to toughen the cement. He's going to continue this process for every tooth that is being done. You're going to need to go back about a week later for a follow up to make certain that the cement is holding firmly and that everything looks fantastic.

Many people question whether veneers will work for them. Veneers will work for everybody's mouth , however , it relies on your habits if they'll actually stay on. Many individuals have poor habits when it comes down to their teeth. A few of the people bite their nails. Others may chew ice or hard candy. Some of the people will use their teeth to open things with their teeth when they can not get it open with their hands. Unless you can stop these unpleasant habits, veneers won't work for you. Veneers cannot be fixed if you crack or chip one. You'll need to have a newer one made in the lab. It is important to smash bad habits when you get your veneers. Considering that porcelain veneers can cost between $500 and $1,100 per tooth, you must be very careful not to damage or chip one.

If you have always wanted perfect teeth and the ideal smile, veneers will help you achieve that.

Lionel Piedmont, the writer, thanks Dr. George Green, Coral Springs Dentist, and the Union Dental Family Services dental veneers team for their assistance.

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