Emphysema – Its Three Major Symptoms

When talking about different lung diseases, one of the most common conditions is emphysema. The normal functioning of the lungs has a great deal to do with their shape, so it is important that they are maintained in their proper shape. The interchange of gases as well as the oxygenation of blood takes place in the lungs.

When the lungs do not function normally, it could mean that the tissue that maintains its shape is malfunctioning or even destroyed. We will try to look into the various symptoms that will arise from this condition. What is worth noting at this very early point is the fact that the symptoms we are just about to look at don’t normally kick in all at once. It will be more like a progression, the minor symptoms first and then followed by the major symptoms that signify a greater problem.

A person with emphysema will first show signs of breathlessness. This is one of the first symptoms of this lung disease. This tends to come about progressively, which is understandable, given the fact that the disease we are looking at is one that is caused by destruction of lung tissue – and that normally takes place over time. At first, it would take a major exertion before breathlessness sets in so it wouldn’t be associated immediately with the disease. If left unchecked, the disease would then have the patient experience bouts of breathlessness even when he does not exert any effort at all. If no intervention is done, a point can eventually come where the patient is breathless even when sitting or sleeping (when at rest). Breathlessness is often deemed to be something that is just normal during the early stages. The symptoms could then become distressing if left too long. That is when the person decides to get proper medical treatment for their condition.

The second major symptom through which the lung disease known as emphysema manifests is that of ‘chest expansion.’ This is the obvious result of the breathing difficulties associated with the disease. In a bid to adapt, the chest keeps on expanding, up to a level where the expansion becomes noticeable. You can try to confirm if this symptom is really what you are experiencing. All you have to do is measure the antero-posterior diameter of your chest.

If the patient notices his skin adapting a bluish tinge, he is observing one of the major symptoms of emphysema. This is common in many lung diseases, and it is attributable to the deficit in blood oxygenation brought about by the lung diseases. The medical term for this symptom is cyanosis. Just like usual symptoms of lung diseases, they do not happen in a flash. In the beginning, you will barely be able to notice the cyanosis, but that does not mean it will never be noticed. You have to make sure to stage an intervention to make sure it won’t become worse.

Obtain further info about emphysema treatments by going to http://www.biogetica.com/

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