Fibromyalgia: What Causes This Central Nervous System Disorder?

Fibromyalgia Cure

It is quite common to see many people suffering from the central nervous system disorder known as Fibromyalgia. This is a painful condition, something that has been subjected to intensive and extensive study and research throughout the years in a bid to understand its causes. As a result, it is safe to say that the medical world is now benefiting from those efforts, giving them more than an enlightening glimpse of what’s behind this condition. We are referring here to the underlying causes of the disease and the more shallow triggers that spur the attacks. This condition will become more manageable and finding a cure would be easier provided we know what we are up against and what is causing the disease. We do have to mention that there are other causes of this disease, besides the three that we are just about to look at. We are going to focus on the causes of the disease that are most often found to be the reason among many people.

Fibromyalgia is often largely brought on by stress. This often acts as a trigger to episodes of the disease in question. The disease could also be blamed on people having experience childhood stress. Depression and stress are sure-fire ways to bring people towards that stage when they would also discover they are suffering from fibromyalgia. It is also worth noting that people who had remarkably stressful childhoods (for instance, those who suffered remarkable abuse during childhood) tend to report this particular disease more frequently than others.

Fibromyalgia is also brought about when hormones become unbalanced or when the brain’s biochemistry undergoes changes. To be more specific, imbalance in one’s growth hormone’s is pinpointed to be the cause. There is, however, some disagreement in the medical community: with some experts postulating that the deficiency in growth hormone production may be as a result of, rather than the cause of, this particular disease. If we speak of the brain’s biochemistry, serotonin and dopamine are the most usually affected ones. We are looking at a situation where too little serotonin can cause this particular disease. Fibromyalgia also exists if the brain does not have enough hypodopaminergia, which is another name for dopamine. Too much stress would cause these neurotransmitters to have abnormalities when it comes to their amounts in the brain. But there is always the challenge of figuring out whether it is neurotransmitter abnormality that is causing the stress, or whether the stress is causing the neurotransmitter abnormality. We only know for sure that patients with fibromyalgia almost always suffer from these abnormalities in their neurotransmitters. But these patients will also readily find a solution to the abnormalities in their neurotransmitter through the use of certain medications, although not all of them work.

Lack of sleep is also blamed to be another major cause of fibromyalgia. There have been many studies that support this theory correlating sleep and the disease. We have discussed earlier about how stress and neurotransmitter abnormalities cause fibromyalgia. In a way, the principle is the same with poor sleep. But fibromyalgia can also arise simply from lack of sleep, even if stress and the abnormalities in neurotransmitters are not part of the equation.

Recommended Link: Cure For Fibromyalgia

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