Virginia Beach Dentist Of A Bad Tooth Ache

Dentist Virginia Beach

When you have pain in the area of teeth, jaws and gum, you could be having a toothache.Toothaches may be caused by a variety of problems such as dental cavities, exposed tooth rot, a cracked tooth, gum diseases, and so on. Toothaches vary from dull to persistent or mild to severe or sharp to sporadic pain

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The pain associated with a tooth when exposed to hot or cold foods can be too much to handle. Telling the difference of either having sinusitis or ear and throat pain from that of a toothache can be difficult because all cause discomfort in the facial area. Mostly, toothache will have symptoms of increased sensitivity to heat and cold foods, swelling of gums and jaws, redness around the gum line, bleeding and discharge from gums.

Tooth decay is the main cause of toothache. Among the most probable causes of tooth decay is taking of soft drinks, eating candy, sugar in all forms, pastries and refined carbohydrates too. Erosion and decay of the tooth is caused by mouth bacteria which breaks sugar into acid which then combine with the enamel.

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When the tooth pulp which is the central portion of the tooth gets inflamed, then a toothache occurs and this is when you suffer from dental issues. This region contains nerve endings, which is why there is a greater sensitivity to pain. Blame the pain of the tooth to infection, tooth rot, cracked tooth syndrome, dental cavities and dental abscess.

Keep in mind that not all bad toothaches are actually from a problem with the teeth.Sinus problems are huge culprits in causing dental pain, while there is nothing wrong with the teeth. In this situation, the bad toothache is felt in the root area of the tooth all the way through. Once the sinus infection or allergies are cleared up, the bad toothache goes away. Honestly some heart problems cause a toothache. If you go to your dentist and there is no obvious reason for your bad toothache then you should talk with your doctor about heart problems. Some people with heart conditions discover it through toothaches.

More likely reason for a bad toothache is a cavity. Once bacteria and plaque eat in the dentin and enamel of the tooth creating a hole, then a cavity is formed. That is the work of the bacteria in the mouth, helping to wear the dentin and enamel causing cavities.A bad toothache occurs when the bacteria eats a big enough hole in a tooth to start causing the person some serious pain. At this point, the dentist can diagnose the pain and treat it through filling the cavity.

Sometimes a toothache is cause by food that has been trapped in between the teeth and of course this calls for flossing. Flossing is very helpful because it can help remove trapped food. When you have a toothache caused by trapped food it is likely you will have sensitive gums. This should not deter you from flossing because you can do it slowly and ease the pain.

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