Woman’s Issue: An Overview On Menorrhagia

Women have different response to the duration and severity of menstrual bleeding. A woman with normal menstrual cycle loses 40 milliliters of blood in about four to seven days. However for some women, bleeding may go on excessively heavy and goes on for longer than normal, according to health experts. The medical term for woman’s heavy and extended menstrual period is menorrhagia. Too much bleeding may become the root cause for other health problems, such as anemia.
Menorrhagia can be caused by a number of contributory factors although the real causes remained unknown. Below are some of the common causes of menorrhagia:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Dysfunction of the ovaries
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Polyps
  • Adenomyosis
  • Pregnancy complication
  • Cancer
  • Inherited bleeding disorders

The use of medication is sometimes not required by some women. If the heavy bleeding does not affect your life or no serious cause is suspected, you may just be reassured that bleeding can vary over time for some people.
Women with severe menorrhagia may require medication to prevent further complications. Various medications, including over-the-counter drugs, help reduce menstrual bleeding. If medications do not work, surgery may well in women who wish to treat heavy bleeding.
Hysterectomy is sometimes recommended by surgeons to women with severe menstrual bleeding problems. The uterus is removed during surgery.
A new minimally invasive surgical option employ robotic assistance to treat menorrhagia. With robotic assistance, a surgeon can reduce blood loss, shorten hospitalization, accelerate recovery, and quicker return to normal activities. Controversy has surfaced because it is associated with serious complications. This controversy have caused experts to be alarmed by the potential complications.







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