Body Weight Exercises

Numerous people, especially men, think that it is necessary to lift weights and work out on machines in order to develop bigger and stronger muscles. But fitness pros will say that body weight exercises can help strengthen the muscles in your upper body, core and legs without having fancy gym equipment. Your body weight can give the resistance necessary to develop and maintain muscle strength and endurance.

Push Ups

Push ups are believed to be the best body weight exercise when it comes to strengthening the arms and upper body, particularly the chest and arm muscles. This exercise can be modified to suit your strength level as well as to target specific muscles. Newbies can perform push-ups on arms and knees to support their body weight, gradually progressing to full push-ups with the arms and toes holding up their weight.

Plank Exercise

The plank exercise begins in the same position as push-ups. You can support your body on your hands and toes, or on your elbows and toes. When performing the plank, contract your abs and keep your back straight. Hold this position for as long as possible. This body weight exercise builds up the core muscles.

Side Jumps

You can build up your leg muscles with this body weight exercise. Stand with your feet together. Jump to the right a few feet. Keep your knees bent and land in a squat position. Jump to the left and repeat on alternate sides.

Leg Exercises

There are a number of great exercises to develop your leg and thigh muscles. Lunges and squats are among the best body weight exercises for the leg muscles and glutes. Calf raises, which involves rising on your toes and returning onto your heels, develop the calf muscles which are the muscles in the back of the legs. Leg exercises, for example side leg raises, can also help strengthen the muscles in the hips as well as the outer thighs.


Here is a popular body weight exercise. Lie with your face down on the floor and outstretch your arms and legs. Raise your arms and legs off the floor a few inches. Hold the position for several seconds, and then lower your arms and legs. The exercise can be modified by alternating the arms and legs. Repeat.

Tuck Jumps

Develop good cardio and explosive power with tuck jumps. From a full squat position, strongly explode straight up. Draw your knees close to your chest while in midair and grasp your knees quickly with your arms. Your thighs should touch your torso at the top of the jump. Release your legs and make a controlled landing, descending into a full squat for the next explosive jump.

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